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Calm Sea

The New Paradigm
starts within.

If you found yourself here, it is likely that you already connect to the vision of a more beautiful world.


A world where individuals are motivated by love instead of fear.


A world where systems work to empower instead of control.


A world where people feel safe to be fully themselves, with sovereignty over their choices.


A world where men and women are living from their organic blueprints, not from their conditioning and wounds.


A world where people everywhere are connected to the majesty and divinity of life on earth instead of programming of division and hate.


The New Earth is coming. And the paradigm shift begins inside each one of us. The change we desire to see in the world is only possible through the healing of our own hearts, the advent of our own courage, and our own embodiment of the leadership the world needs.


New Earth Woman is an intimate group journey for the women meant to lead the shift in consciousness on this planet, through their embodied feminine leadership.


White Sands
Ways you can bring smudging to your everyday life.jpg

WelcomE, spirit-led women.

This is a call to you who know you have a role to play in a more beautiful world. Maybe it is as a voice, artist, healer, advocate, warrior. Maybe as a mother, sister or friend.

Leadership is not what we do. Leadership is how we be. Leadership is the heart, devotion, and sovereignty that we embody in our homes and out in the world.

As women, we have a unique role to play as the emotional and spiritual leaders in the new paradigm. We who are called to this work often have deep histories of pain and redemption. Many of us have spent years trying to fit into the world at the expense of our true essence. These stories are sacred; our stories have taught us the power of alchemy, we have risen like phoenixes from the ashes of our former versions.


Now it is time to return to our organic, divine templates, yet in a new, revolutionary way. It is us women, we who have been spiritually tested and initiated, that must get clear on the part we play in ushering in the new paradigm, through our actions but more importantly through our being. Our energy is our transmission. Our being is our legacy. And we are ready to pay forward our healing, our embodied wisdom and our spiritual gifts, to support the awakening of our world.

New earth woman

a 10-WEEk, intimate group JOURNEY to embody feminine leadership 

wEEK 1&2

Old Paradigm to Alchemy

Our journey begins in tribute to the timelines we have left behind. By fully honoring our own stories, we lay shame to rest, we thank the divine perfection of our past, we retrieve the fragmented pieces of our hearts and we invite ourselves into true presence. 

wEEK 5&6

Energetics & Sovereignty

The way we be is inextricably connected to our ability to master our own energy, with love, grace and sovereignty. With these themes, we will dive into a more nuanced perspective of boundaries and leadership, to transform how we show up in the world.

wEEK 9

Feminine Integrity

Integrity is vital as we model the new way, and serve our brothers and sisters. Here we will explore the feminine way to anchor into our divine alignment. Having stability in your aura transforms our power as a space-holder, and amplifies our impact.

wEEKS 3&4

Unity Consciousness & 5D

An exploration of higher consciousness, and how we embody it in our lives. These weeks involve transmissions and investigations into the 5D frequency. We shift intellectual comprehension of 5D into embodied inner-standing.

wEEKs 7&8

Action & Surrender

To be a powerful feminine leader is a graceful dance between inspired action and surrender to divine will. These weeks, we will explore inner union and what it feels like to co-create our lives with a higher power, in service to humanity.

wEEK 10

Leadership & Vision

During our final week, we integrate our new awareness so we may embody our soul-understanding of feminine leadership in our lives. We will commemorate our transformation and claim our hearts' visions for the future.

Rock Maze

for you to receivE


Ten group calls

Our weekly 90-minute group calls are the marrow of our journey. Here we will exchange codes, dive into the weekly themes, and share wisdom with each other. This is a sacred container for sharing, with group mentorship and Q&A


Private Telegram

In our private Telegram group, everyone has the opportunity to share personal updates, reflections, resources and more. This will strengthen our bonds and the potency of our container in between our sessions.


Practices & prompts

Each week, you will receive embodiment practices and journaling prompts for deeper inquiry. These exercises help you to integrate your progress and growing awareness into your daily life.


Extra support

Dive even deeper, with the addition of private sessions or a powerful psilocybin microdosing protocol. In April, I will host a semi-immersive weekend in Tulum, with a medicine ceremony, group dinner, beach day, and other activities (transportation, food & accommodation not included)

why micro dose?

Sacred plants have been some of my greatest teachers, allies and healers my spiritual journey. 


Microdosing psilocybin has incredible neurological benefits; supporting neuroplasticity, creating new neuropathways, combatting depression and stress, and so many other positive effects on your wellbeing.


When we connect intentionally with sacred plants, we receive invaluable threads of organic consciousness from Gaia herself. Plants don't lie. Mushrooms soften the edges around our initiations and have the power to gently and lovingly expose our blind-spots. Introducing a plant ally in a homeopathic way invites us to bring more intention and presence into our lives.


With this add-on, I take care of ordering the the medicine and having it delivered directly to you from my favorite, reputable source. You will receive weekly Telegram support, as well as a microdosing guide.

I'm Georgia

Your mirror & guide on our journey

I am a medicine woman, musician, mystic and mentor based in Tulum, Mexico. There, I facilitate conscious gatherings, offer private healing work and hold sacred ceremonies with psilocybin medicine and other plant allies. Each year, I take on a small number of clients for private spiritual mentorship.


Before my spiritual awakening, I worked on Wall St. and graduated from Yale University. I suffered from depression and burnout and decided to change my life. Many years of spiritual study, mentorship, meditation, plant medicine, and exploration has led me who I am today; an embodied woman, living in my purpose and joy. I am passionate about grounding the spiritual journey with actual changes in behavior, perspective, and wellbeing, and I love paying forward the blessings I have received in my life.


what is new earth woman?

WHy am I birthing it? 

Who is it for?

New Earth Woman is not a coaching program. It is a round table, a counsel of women, all with codes to offer one other. While there is a template, the journey will be guided by Spirit and be a living, breathing co-creation of all of us. Our container is sacred, ceremonial and intimate, and I am calling in the ten women destined to rise together.

We have been doing the work. We have been awakening again and again to the realities of our hearts and the world. And now it's time to be the radiant, embodied women that are needed in our communities. Let us close the final gaps, seal the last leaks, and shatter the remaining fears that are keeping us from being fully expressed and radiant in the world. 

This journey is for the Spirit-driven woman who wants to deepen in her leadership, through her being.

Maybe you are already holding space, and spreading consciousness in the world. Maybe you know it's part of your destiny. I welcome you here, to rise to your greatness, to reveal your full radiance, to soften into your womanhood, to open your oracle, to express your genius.

We are currently in the middle of a cohort, which ends in April. The next round will begin Summer 2024.

answer the call

New earth woman

A profound group journey; 

10-week Masterheart with weekly calls, private Telegram group and weekly prompts & practices.

A 30-minute intro call is required to register, to make sure it is aligned


New earth woman w/ microdosing

The New Earth Woman journey, with the addition of psilocybin microdosing and support. Includes 3 months worth of medicine, weekly check-ins, individual Telegram support and a Microdosing guide


ADD ON Private mentorship

 Bi-weekly 60-minute 1:1 mentorship sessions during the program

(5 sessions total) 




Semi- immersive weekend, exclusively for participants, with group ceremonies and activities (does not include transportation, accommodation, meals or other expenses)


how it feels to journey together

Brit, Arizona

"working with georgia has propelled me forward in ways that i never could have imagined. I'm finding such clarity and joy. I feel inspired by myself at this point. She sees you in such a way that nobody else does"

Gayatri, New Delhi

"Georgia was the leader of a women's circle i was part of. She was a graceful and kind leader, and held space for each of us. It was a joy. She is capable of waking you up to your best self"

Emily, California

"I experienced depths within my energy body i had never accessed before because of the safe, creative & compelling container Georgia provided for us. the exercises she invited me to do aided me profoundly in my healing journey"
Ocean Water

Counsel is in session

To be the first to know about the next cohort of New Earth Woman, beginning Summer 2024, leave your email below. 

Thanks for subscribing!


Learn more about Georgia’s work

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